Monday, April 30, 2012

Griffin 7 months

It's unusual that I get the post up on the actual day he turns a month older, but Griff gave me the gift of a long nap so here it is

So here's the Question: RED or BLONDE??

Randoms from the last month

Feeling the grass for the first time. He doesn't like it touching him but he likes to pull at it

Looks just like B in this pic. I literally turned around for a second and returned to find this

He was in the kitchen while I used the all too loud blender and he hates loud noises. This distracted him

Eats well


julie schenk said...

yoga toes! Did he put his elbow up on the side of the chair himself? What a character. He IS a good eater.!!

Summer and Brandon said...

Mom, I put him on the chair and step back. He does the poses himself