Thursday, April 12, 2012

Griffin 6 months

I'm a little behind on this one, but so was his 6 month check-up. Today we found out that he is in the 97th percentile for height, 77th for weight and his head size jumped 10 percentiles to 96th!

Despite the big head, Griff has managed to sit up unsupported for long periods of time. He's also rolled to his tummy over and over and over and over. He hates it so he cries out, but as soon as we roll him to his back, he turns right back over onto his tummy again. It's a little aggravating, but mostly hilarious.
His facial expressions are endless. I post so many pictures to show how many looks he can throw in a few minutes time. He's also discovered his voice and experiments with it. He's laughing a lot, babbling a lot, and squealing both with joy and complaint.

I had to get some pictures with his leggings on before it's too warm for him to wear them.

From the past month

Fell asleep on my lap. He rarely does that anymore. I love it.

He's waiting for me to finish getting ready

Brandon came home from work and found us both asleep

Bath time

He broke out of his fort and seemed so pleased with himself.

He likes standing

Watching "Color Crew"

Learning how to ring a cow bell. He's going to need it

At his first finish line

Jai Jai in town

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