Friday, June 21, 2013

Anticipating Dad

I found this little gem and had to post it even though it was from a while ago. After Griff's bath he loves to run to our room and play on our bed...naked, until we can tackle him and get his diaper on. Then he plays "timber" and falls on our pillows until it's time for bed. This day Brandon was in the bathroom across the room. He kept teasing Griff, like he was going to come running in and attack him. Griff knew he was coming, but didn't know when. Brandon would peak out enough for Griff to get a glimpse of him and then step back again. Griff could hardly stand it. But in the end, Griff wanted more (this was when he was using sign language more than words. You'll see him say "more, please" in sign language, but only say "more.")

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